
以下是分类 电脑网络 下的所有文章


日部分电脑 主页被http://*.gndh111.top/劫持跳转某网站
各种杀毒查杀和修复工具都无效 注册表和快捷后缀都没有
上传一个绿色专杀修复工具 无需安装直接运行
下载地址 https://lanzous.com/ics9c6h
我也安装了360也被劫持 双系统win7也没幸免 360浏览器一直提醒被修改 重新安装360和360浏览器也是没有修复 强力修复也是没用 估计360很快会跟进


HP Notebook PCs – Recovering the BIOS (Basic Input Output System)

This document is for HP notebook computers, including notebooks with HP SureStart architecture.
The BIOS is the first software to run after turning on the computer. If the BIOS on your computer becomes corrupted, the computer fails to boot to Windows. The BIOS can be corrupted during normal operation, through environmental conditions (such as a power surge or outage), from a failed BIOS upgrade or damage from a virus. If the BIOS is corrupted, the system automatically attempts to restore the BIOS from a hidden partition when the computer is restarted. This document covers other methods to restore the BIOS if the automatic BIOS restoration does not work.
If you experience any of the following symptoms after restarting the computer, recover the BIOS.
  • Windows does not start and the Caps Lock or Num Lock keys blink, or the computer beeps 2 times
  • Power light or charging light continues to blink
  • BIOS APPLICATION ERROR 501 message displays
  • The computer stops at a black or blank screen when powered on
  • The computer turns on and you might hear the internal fan, but the display is blank and Windows does not start


For business computers, your company IT department or local IT service might manage BIOS settings. Confirm this if you cannot access BIOS settings or restore the BIOS.





@echo off

pushd “%~dp0″

dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientExtensions-Package~3*.mum >List.txt

dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-ClientTools-Package~3*.mum >>List.txt

for /f %%i in (‘findstr /i . List.txt 2^>nul’) do dism /online /norestart /add-package:”C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\%%i”
